Essentials in a Crisis

Here at Graig Farm, like many other retailers we are seeing huge demand for our produce. It seems that this crisis is driving more new customers who want good natural healthy produce.
Because of this demand we are having to process many orders and some will be delivered later than our target delivery dates but don't worry we will get to you as soon as possible if you are waiting.
We have also trimmed down our product list to target the essentials for you as consumers and our best sellers, to allow us to be as efficient as possible. We have also launched a range of meat, fruit and vegetable boxes designed to help people continue to enjoy great food at the best value. They will also help you stretch the produce to make the most family meals.
We are also offering a service where you can arrange for a weekly, fortnightly or monthly repeat order for these boxes - simply tell us how you would frequently you would like them in the comment box when ordering.
Here are our two new meat boxes - thanks for your custom and your patience, the Graig Farm Team send all our new and old customers best wishes from the farm.
- Graig Farm