Delicious Salmon & Leek Parcels

We all tend to change our eating habits after Christmas has come and gone, with many of us trying not to consume as much fat and eat more healthy.
Here is a recipe suitable for anyone who is trying to improve their eating habits. Salmon and Leek parcels are a light meal which is quick and easy to rustle up.
Containing only 783 calories, these parcels are the perfect accompaniment to a salad or a bed of new potatoes!
You will need:
4 Leeks
25g Butter
100g of full-fat creme fraiche or cream cheese
6 sheets of filo pastry
2 Organic skinless salmon fillets
and prepare any salad or organic veg you wish to serve with the parcels.
- Heat your oven to 200c/gas mark 6. Trim and finely chop your leeks and place them into a large saucepan with 3 tablespoons of water, also add a couple of scoops of butter. Cover and cook for 10 minutes until the leeks are tender. Remove from the pan, allow to cool, then mix with the creme fraiche or the cream cheese and add some seasoning.
- To build the parcels, brush a sheet of filo pastry with melted butter, then lay 2 more sheets on top, brush butter on each layer. Place the skinless salmon filet in the centre, add some seasoning, then spoon over half of the leek mixture. Fold the end over the top, and pull the sides and scrunch together to enclose. Repeat the same process for the other parcel.
- Brush both of the parcels with melted butter. Put onto a lightly greased baking sheet, then cook for about 20-25 minutes until golden brown and crisp. Serve with either a green salad or some seasonal vegetables.
You can enjoy this meal throughout the year, it is a recipe always guaranteed to impress your dinner guests!
- Graig Farm