Guide to Roasting Beef and Lamb

Guide to Roasting Beef and Lamb

Preheat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius (gas mark 7).
Roast your meat at this temperature for 30 minutes.
Reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees Celsius (gas mark 3-4) and continue to roast the meat at a rate of 20 minutes per lb in weight. For example, a 2kg joint of lamb or beef will require 30 minutes at the high temperature with a further hour of cooking time.
With beef and lamb, some may prefer the meat to be served a little rare. You can adjust the time accordingly.
If you are unsure of how rare the meat is at core, stick a skewer into the meat to see how much blood still runs from the joint.
Always allow resting time for the meat before you carve and serve (about 30 minutes).

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