News — On The Farm


Grass Fed or Not?

As the winter months draw nearer there are certain adaptations we have to make on the farm for the welfare of the animals.  Being organic means pr...

Preparing for Winter

Here we are hitting September and so many things to be done on the farm in readiness for winter. Our list of jobs to do: Lift the spuds Cut firewo...

The Organic Harvest

Harvesting organically means there is no extra method other than cutting, drying, and bailing. It’s the ingredients that make it all the difference...

Jonathan called out to shear

What a day, shearing day! The day started at 6 a.m. getting ready for a big day, necessary props: Towel and Drinking Water. This is a little fright...

Hectic on the Farm

Life on the Farm is little hectic this week. It has to be said we have never seen grass grow so quick in the last month, though the livestock are d...

On my way back from Mozambique

I'm on my way back from Mozambique, and probably in a small plane some where as you read this.  It has been a very rewarding experience and I look ...

Mozambique Fundraising Trip - Update

I'm still in Mozambique and the trip is going very well so far. We have a panic on at the moment as we have to get an electric supply to the orphan...

Mozambique Fundraising Trip

I am going to Mozambique on Monday to raise funds for orphans so while I'm away the "On the Farm" feature will have a holiday too! I'm sure there w...

Summer in March Winter in April

We had a little shock on Wednesday morning with a heavy fall of snow. With a cold north wind the farm really does suffer as all the farm buildings ...

Welsh Lambs Playing

It has to be said that life is much easier when the weather is as nice as it is. I absolutely love the spring and this has to be the best ever. Abo...