Graig Farm Goat
Graig Farm Goat At Graig farm we have been supplying goat meat throughout the UK via mail order for many years. Our goats are all reared outside ...- Graig Farm
- Tags: Goat On The Farm

Paleo Diet
With so many theories these days about what we should or shouldn’t be eating, it’s hard to know who to listen to! There are so many diets that clai...- Graig Farm
- Tags: Food News On The Farm

Reviving Old Herbage - The Secret to Great Meat?
I believe that grazing fields rich in varieties of old herbage makes a huge contribution to the flavor of our meat. I’ve spent much time reviving o...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm

Keeping Garden Chickens, A beginners guide
Imagine eating a soft boiled egg with a beautiful dark golden yolk and knowing exactly where it came from, what went into producing it and how old ...- Graig Farm
- Tags: Chicken On The Farm

The importance of Farming During WW1
With the recent publicity surrounding the beginning of the First World War, we thought that Graig Farm ought pay its own little tribute to the work...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm
What are the advantages of organic farming?
What are the advantages of organic farming? Organic farming and food may have once been considered a fad, but choosing to buy and eat organic produ...- Graig Farm
- Tags: FAQS Food News On The Farm Organic Farming

Farmageddon - An insight into intensive farming
What is intensive farming? Intensive farming constitutes a number of practices across different sectors, covering everything from growing high yiel...- Graig Farm
- Tags: Food News On The Farm Organic Farming

Dog Owners Turn To Organic Dog Food
In a recent documentary on Channel 5, ‘The Truth About Your Dog’s Food’, dog owners discovered that cheap ingredients are being placed into commerc...- Graig Farm
- Tags: Food News On The Farm Organic Food

Horse meat scandal
Before I get on to the source of our meat let me answer a few questions regarding the current horse meat scandal. Do any of our products contain ho...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm
Organic farming - you are born to it
We are organic because we farm organically not because of any organic inspection routine. My understanding of animal husbandry is quite simple, not...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm Organic Farming
The snow must go on!
Whether you like it or not, the snow must go on! We have seen the week through with blizzards and ice. It became a nightmare as we spent so much ti...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm
A blast from the past
As a child a leg of Montgomeryshire mutton was an only too familiar dish served on the family farm with some tasty root vegetables and a bouquet of...- Graig Farm
- Tags: On The Farm